Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday, Feb 18, 2009

A day at sea. Today was art6 lecture/auction day. This is my third cruise (the two others were with our respective mothers and in my case my mom and sister and brother in law) and I still don't understand the reason for art auctions on board. I've rarely, if ever, seen anythoing that I like yet people crowd the auction room and buy the most 'interesting' pieces.

There was a half hour 'review' of the history of art (he really meant western art) which wasn't that bad - good slides and some interesting information.

I spent the day reading, wandering and generally feeling a bit stir crazy. I started out ok but quickly realizede how eak and tired I was feeling - even wi9th the cough suppressangts that I am taking then cough is incessangt and driving me a bit nuts.

I did have a bit of a laugh about it though. The ship is very conce4rned with personal hygiene and there are hand waash stations everywhere. I was in an elevator znd it stopped on another floor. I weas coughing and the woman who was about to gegt on hesitated - I was able to say through the coughing "they don't think it is TB" The look on her face was hysterical.

The tenth floor deck has shade and nice lounges - and no kids or pool - other than 20 year old boys smoking cigars it was a good place to read and rest.

Dinner was 'smart casual' which is getting tough - I didn't packi that well for this trip. I really only have one ;pair of 'decent pants so they have been nsmart casual as well as formal. Even I am getting tired of the clothing I'm wearing.

The engtertainment last night was a comedian - he had been the donut eater on the T^om AQllen series Home Improvement and was not bad - not good but not bad. Old jokes, yelling at the audience, some Don Rickles stuff and some ship humour (the toilets are vacuum flushes and he did make it seem funny).

I was getting whiplashed pretty badly as my head snapped back and forth each time I fell asleep So it was off to bed as soon as it was done.

Mark and Pat are terrific to travel with - things are very relaxed and no0 matter what we do separately during the day we keep an eye o0ut for each other and we always have a drink just before dinner together. It is very pleasant being with them


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